Friends of the Dominican Republic and Fondo Quisqueya are Planning a Reunion
Friends of the Dominican Republic and Fondo Quisqueya, the two organizations that represent Peace Corps Volunteers who served in the Dominican Republic, have created a joint committee to plan a reunion for RPCVs and other interested persons in 2025. It is most likely the 2025 Reunion will take place in October or early November of 2025, but no date has yet been set. While the committee hasn’t completed the planning process yet, the reunion would last at two or three days, and would also host an evening of Dominican music, dancing and other entertainment for attendees and other guests. The Reunion Committee recently completed an online survey that was completed by almost 300 RPCVs via the Friends of the DR and Fondo Quisqueya websites. The committee is currently planning to complete a survey of hotels in Santo Domingo, and once that information is collected, some members of the Reunion committee will travel to Santo Domingo to finalize the location and details with the selected hotel. Once the hotel and dates for the reunion have been finalized, invitations to attend the reunion will be sent out to all members of Friends of the DR, Fondo Quisqueya and other interested people, and the information will be posted on the websites of both organizations.
Every five years Friends of the Dominican Republic, Fondo Quisqueya and Peace Corps Dominican Republic try to host a reunion in Santo Domingo. Former Volunteers mix with currently serving Volunteers and staff to socialize, learn about current Peace Corps work, and enjoy Dominican music, food and culture. The first reunion was held in 1987 through the outstanding effort of Mila Brooks, the Country Director at the time. The positive energy of the first reunion ultimately led to the formation of Fondo Quisqueya and Friends of the Dominican Republic. More recent reunions were held in 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012.
50th Anniversary Reunion
The 2012 reunion marked half a century of Peace Corps work in the Dominican Republic. It was an opportunity to
Remember your Peace Corps service
Reconnect with volunteers you served with and the community of which you were a part
Experience Peace Corps today; meet current volunteers and learn about what they are doing to support communities in the DR
Live the life of a Peace Corps Volunteer once again with pre- and post-conference excursions
Recommit to helping the Dominican Republic by supporting the work of Peace Corps Volunteers.
In early February, hundreds of current and former volunteers and staff participated in a three day conference and commemorated 50 years of Peace Corps work in the Dominican Republic. Events included speakers, break-out sessions, artisan fair, embassy reception and social activities. Topics included improving education in Latin America, Dominican-Hatian relations, enduring legacy of Peace Corps work, and current Peace Corps work. Volunteers spoke about their program sectors, national initiatives, youth groups and interest groups while former volunteers shared how times have changed. Dominican historian Frank Moya Pons discussed the role of Peace Corps Volunteers after Trujillo. Aaron Williams, then US Peace Corps Director and former Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic, spoke about the future of Peace Corps worldwide.
Some participants opted to take in a post conference excursions. Each involved seeing the work of a current volunteer and included, among others:
- 27 Waterfalls National Park in the North
- Laguna de Oviedo y los Flamingos in the Southwest
- Ruta de Chocolate in the East
- Whale watching in Samaná Bay
- Jewelry making with a women's group in Bayahibe
For more information about the 50th Anniversary Reunion, please see pages 29 through 37 of the Historical Summary of the First 20 Years of Friends of the Dominican Republic available on the About/History page of this site.
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